Holy Blossom Temple Foundation and The Jewish Immigrant Aid Society
The Alkhayyat Foundation was so inspired by the work of Jewish Organizations in Toronto to assist with the Syrian Refugee crisis, they have provided significant funding to The Holy Blossom Temple Foundation and to JIAS to assist with:
The Refugee Relief Initiative
Rabbi Yael Splansky of Holy Blossom Temple gave a sermon and said
“ Welcome the stranger, for you know the feelings of a stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt”
Since then 180 of the congregants of the Temple organized the sponsorship and settlement of 5 refugee families from Syria to Toronto.
This funding will enable the Temple to fully sponsor another Refugee family from Syria.
When Rabbi Splansky thanked Mr. Alkhayyat and the Alkhayyat Foundation Canada she said in her letter of thanks, It is written in our sacred book of Mishna, “If you save one life, it is as if you have saved the entire world”